This is a great concept from Postman's book. Now people are all enchanted with receiving more information, being well-informed, who cares about "action"? I love the way Postman tried to bring to our attention: it's the action that really changes our world.
The concept was coined to show Postman's concern with the telegraph techonology.
Prior to the telegraph, Postman says people received information relative to their lives, creating a high correlation between information and action that most people had a sense of being able to control some of the contingencies in their lives
The telegraph allowed bits of information to travel long distances ...the local and the timeless ... lost their central position in newspapers, eclipsed by the dazzle of distance and speed
Postman argued,
Someone may know (Princess)Adelaide has the whooping cough (via telegraph) , but what could anyone do about it?
It should be true in the telegraph age that the newspapar reader can't do anything except maybe making it a topic in a leisure chatting.
But in the Internet age, people can actually "do something" when they read the news, which similarly "travels long distances"(breaking the location&time limit). For example, they can re-tweet it, or share it on Google reader,or Facebook. With enough re-tweets, "Adelaide has the whooping cough" could even rise to the Trend on or Google Trends.
Could we conclude that in the Internet age we have a high information-action ratio than in telegraph age? I find it an interesting question.
The so-called "actions" per Postman's original definition probably include:1) provide medical advice or support to cure Princess Adelaide's cough 2) ask Princess Adelaide to take more exercice, etc. Those are "reasonable" "direct"actions to be performed against Adelaide's cough.
"Retweet"?"Share"? Can these be called "actions" ? Someone will say no, because neither "Retweet" nor "Share" could cure Princess Adelaide's cough. There is no direct or prompt effect to Adelaide's problem.
What if the real purpose of this news is to implicate Princess Adelaide has a bad health,which probably threatens her reign, rather than emphasis on the cough that can be easily cured by pills? In this case,the Princess needs more support. Being listed on the Twitter's trend or Google Trends will win more attention, and this could possibly bring the Princess higher support rate,
and "Retweet" or "Share" can be helpful.
The magic of the Internet age is that it provides people with more chance to "take action", no matter "Retweet" or "Share", which, I shall say, is a good remedy for the "unablility" people felt in the telegraph age.