Wednesday, September 14, 2011

从税收的角度来看Google Adsense 的问题

Google Adsense是个不错的商业模式,但自推出到现在,在Google总营收中收所占比例,从最开始的40%~50%降到现在的30%,估计2011年可能要低于30%了(Link)。我好奇为什么Adsense没有呈现爆发性的增长,给Google的总营收做出更大的贡献。下面从税收的角度来简单分析一下Google Adsense的问题。

要讨论税收,先要界定通过Adsense模式获得的收入是属于什么样的收入?通常参与Adsense项目的有两类主体:1)个人网站/博客的所有者 2)公司。

如果是个人参与Adsense, 其收入在美国被认为是self-employment所得,在中国被认为是个人劳务所得。美国认定为self-employment所得,个人要把Adsense总收入减去租用服务器,购买域名,宽带费用等成本,来计算应纳税收入这和公司缴税有点类似。以Google Adsense为例,减去成本之后的应纳税收入超过400刀时,个人开始要缴税,税率是13.3% (2011年的税率,其中10.4% for Social Security and 2.9% for MedicareLink) 。中国认定为个人劳务所得,个人的Adsense收入必须由谷歌公司代为扣税,个人不用缴税,这和公司代员工缴税类似,但其实Adsense用户和Google并没有雇佣/被雇佣关系。由于Google Adsense在中国没有本地化,因此没有按照中国的代缴代扣的法规行事,这里以百度联盟(百度copy adsense的产品)为例百度联盟每个结算周期支付给个人的金额,要按照国家个税规定代扣个人劳务所得税金额低于4000元时,扣800元,金额高于4000元时,扣除800元后,余额按照20%的税率征税。






这些事情对于Google来说,大多吃力不讨好。除非当地的adsense市场十分活跃,能给Google带来足够多的利润分成,除非当地的个人用户对于自己的个人信息,尤其是额外收入的信息提交给政府没有担忧,否则Google犯不着去干这种收集验证用户信息交给政府(可能得罪用户),还要承担漏税风险(对用户没什么掌控),同时还可能赚不到钱的事情。拿天朝做例子,很多有名气的博主都是拿网名经营博客,为了点adsense收入,把个人信息悉数交给政府,估计很多人不愿意的。这样一来,Google Adsense在通过第三方代缴代扣来征税的国家的扩张其实是动力不足的。
(P.S. 本地化有个好处,就是Adsense的付款到账速度比从美国寄支票要快,支票还要兑现什么的,可能一个月之后才能到账。)


1)当地的立法必须与时俱进,能够对这种依靠网络赚取的广告服务收入进行界定,个人才能顺利的申报缴纳税收。Adsense刚出来的时候,是一种创新的商业模式,促进了虚拟世界里的价值流动。美国是在2005年才将Adsense税收归类成Service tax (Link),其他国家的立法更慢,可以说到即使到现在,很多国家的税法都没有对adsense模式的收入进行明确的说明。法律没有跟上,报税征税就无法顺利进行,如此带来的逃税漏税,使Adsense在当地的扩张和发展受到限制,至少不会得到政府公开的支持。


3)经常会发生Google冻结海外Adsense账户的事情,原因是因为该账户所拥有的网站有U.S. Activities,但没有向美国缴税比如该网站使用设在美国的服务器,利用美国的资源人力进行开发营销。根据Adsense的官方说明(Link),对于租用美国服务器是否属于US Activity也是十分模糊的。对于海外Adsense用户来说,向美国缴税,或者不用美国的资源/No US Activity 都是很头疼的事情。一旦发生违反规定的情况,Google会毫不留情的冻结Adsense账户。

综上,Google Adsense增长缓慢,在全球扩张乏力,和Adsense这种模式对税收提出的挑战有很大的关系。如果不能建立适应本地化的税收渠道,Adsense顶多只能在美国玩玩,在其他国家很难长远发展,这就给本土公司留下了机会。


Saturday, August 27, 2011

What is considered intelligent?

 In the book Amusing Ourselves to death,  Neil Postman pointed out, in an oral culture people with good memory or people with power to invent compact sayings of wide applicability are considered intelligent. The good example is the wise Solomon, who had three thousand proverbs in his head.

While Postman did not explain the relationship between good memory and compact sayings, I found in another book Walter Ong cast a bunch of insight on this topic. Per Ong, compact saying or proverb, indeed, is the vital way for people in oral culture to store and exchange information. Imagine in the old oral time when there are no written words, memory is the only library you can refer to. A well composed proverb with rhythm not only conveys the literal meaning, but also stores the live scene where the story of the proverb happens, thus the proverb is perfect for memorizing and mouth to mouth communication.

Ong went further, compact saying or proverb is the way how people in oral culture think or tell the truth, in some tribes the proverb is the law.  It must be very interesting to watch a scene like this: in a south pacific tribe, two men were in such a serious conflict that one wanted to kill the other guy. The chief showed up and set up a court for the case. The old chief picked up one proverb from his head “mhm, dmas, sdaets” (Love is the only gold), spoke loudly to the two men, magically the case was settled, the two men shook hands and went back home peacefully: )  Now you can imagine Solomon, the man with three thousand proverbs in mind, how powerful and intelligent he was in his age.

Nowadays people who know a lot of proverbs should be considered old-styled or classical, rather than intelligent. You may ask what is considered intelligent today? Well, personally I really admire people who are with good memory and read a lot books. The culture in which I was brought up is a mixture of orality, printing and TV. In my childhood, most of the joy I got is in an oral environment, while most of the knowledge I learnt about the society and humanity is from TV; school is just all about examinations. I didn’t feel the importance of the printing until I was in the college, and fell in love with the girl all kinds of bizarre theories. I still have all the admiration to the great intelligence in the oral or printing culture, even though I’ve been immersed in the electrical and the Internet age today.  

What is considered intelligent in the Internet age? I don’t know the answer yet, but I believe playing with real-time information is dangerous to the intelligence cuz it makes you an information processor rather than a wisdom owner.  Knowing a lot of information in the Internet age is not like reading a lot book in the printing age, you are overwhelmed with information and has little time to think.

Say, if you still treat the Internet as a tool, then knowing how to make best use of the tool can be intelligent. With this powerful tool, you could make your life easier. However, if the Internet is no more a tool to you, you just live a virtual life in the cybernetic space, probably you don’t need intelligence any longer. Become the bot of the Great Wisdom, you’ll never die.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Google+: Verify your name against the LAW or against YOU?

I know there are already too much buzzing on the Google+ name and profiles topics,  to my surprise, people are that serious in the discussion, kind of austere. Isn’t it a simple 1+1=2 problem?

OK, here are my 2 cents, just for fun, or to be more serious :D

Verify your name against the LAW or against YOU ?

This is the key point. Why does Google+ want to verify your name? Google acts like it wants to obey the law, and wants its users to obey the law too. 

Look at Google Community Standards the listing items: Nudity and sexually explicit material, Hate Speech... etc. All of standards are just there to ensure the users obeying the community rule or the US law.  

Gundotra also explained to Scoble, "it is about having common names and removing people who spell their names in weird ways, like using upside-down characters, or who are using obviously fake names, like 'god' or worse."'

That’s fine, if the purpose of verifying the user’s name is to obey the law, Google have my 100% support, and I really like an online community in good order.

However,  just listen to all those noise from Google+ killing user’s account:

Google Plus Bans Creator of Firefox, For Using His Real Name
Google Bans Facebook Product Director Blake Ross From Google+

Obviously Google wants to do more than obeying the law, Google wants to verify your name against YOU--who are you?  (OK Google, no bothering, even I myself don’t know who I am, that’s a sophistical philosophical question. ) 

That’s the reason why you see so many mis-killings here. For an online Service, it’s a mission impossible to verify all the user names against the users, that’s the job of the Global Government, which hasn’t born yet.

Not to mention the case that Google could even mis-kill the account names in English(how? you said you understand English the best!), if the account names are in languages other than English,  there is no way for Google to fully verify the user name against the user.  The name is more than the words, it’s culture, fame, trust, virtue...

I was thinking Google’s purpose of verifying the user’s name is to obey the law, which is the right and exact job an online service provider needs to do, but Google just did it in a wrong way. However, if Google insists on verifying the user name against the user, here is my suggestion: outsource the effort to the Google+ users.

More important than real name, real relationship, real interaction and real engagement are the keys to define who you are.  If It’s impossible for Google to verify the user, the connections to that user can verify it. By its words, posting or interaction, other users can easily make judgement whether the account is fake or not.  This method applies to both normal users or celebrities. The only risk is it takes some time. Here Google needs to exert its effort: provide verification mechanism to celebrities, to minimize the chaos a fake celebrity might bring in. For all the other verification effort, just leave it to the Google+ community.

Google+ is a great social site, it should accommodate all the diversities as in the real social world: pseudo name, real name, different cultures, and provide a good mechanism for people to join in and enjoy.

Monday, May 23, 2011


Google Social Search是现阶段Google真正想大力发展的产品,如Google Me猜想 中所分析,Social Search的数据来源是Social Content,Social Content则是基于Social Circle社交关系网络。

"Social circle   在内部抓取   Gmail,Greader,Google Buzz,Google Profile,Picasa等应用上的联系人数据,外部则主要采用Twitter和Friendfeed上的联系人数据,做为社交圈子的拓展,公开的 “朋友的朋友”数据Social circle也会采用。所有这些被索引的联系人产生的公开内容,称为   Social content   ,是Google Social Search数据的主要来源。"

前文所述 ,Google+1按钮的出现,为Social Search注入了新的数据来源,其目的是为了打破Facebook对于社交数据的封闭和垄断 。


Google本想通过Google+1直面Facebook,同其竞争。Facebook却和Bing合作,为Bing的搜索结果提供社交数据,巧妙的让Bing充当了和Google竞争的先锋,显然这是迷惑性的手法。同Bing在Social Search feature上的竞争,强化了Google对于自身搜索引擎的定位,Facebook得以将战火限制在了搜索引擎同侪之间。就在写文章的这两天,搜索引擎之间的战事正在激烈进行:Bing的老大  Stefan Weitz抨击Google,说以Google为代表的传统搜索引擎正在没落(Link ) 。与此同时,Google又为19种新的语言的搜索增加了Social Search的功能,把Social Search带向全球。(Link )



Google+1就是一个很分裂的产品。没有一个集中完善的社交网络来行使社交功能,却宣称在做社交。本来是为Social Search提供社交数据的搜索辅助产品 ,却宣称是社交产品。

What's Next?

Google Social Search增加了很不错的搜索特性,符合社交网络时代人们对信息的个人化需求。但Google如果想在搜索之外的social领域有所作为,最好的方法还是要回头补功课,推出一个集中完善的社交网络--可以改造既有的产品(Google Profiles),也可以是一个新的网站。





Monday, May 16, 2011


2010年十月份写了“Google Me猜想”(
),当时以为Google的social产品会在当年年底推出来,结果一下推迟了三四个月,直到2011年三月底才出来,而且名字也改成了“+1”(plus one)。三月底推出的产品并不完整,只是在搜索结果的条目或者Adwords广告旁边增加了一个“+1”按钮。

直到这两天的Google I/O大会,Google又推出了供网站使用的“+1”按钮(Link),至此Google Social产品的轮廓才大致清晰。基于之前写“Google Me猜想”时的分析,先给Google+1简单的打分评价,然后再提出一点意见。


Google Social产品从宣称2010年秋冬上线,一直推迟到今年的五月份才推出一个轮廓,对于快节奏的互联网产业来说,半年的delay肯定不能让人满意。



过往的历史证明,Google并不擅长社交产品,所以你一开始不能抱太大期望。《In The Plex》一书的作者Steven Levy引用核心Google雇员的话说:Google的社交产品只是针对Facebook的策略性的应对,并非Google的理想和真正想做的。(Link)Larry Page接任CEO之后,重新强调了Google在发展社交产品方面的决心,Larry宣布2011年Google员工的奖金和Google社交产品战略在该年度的表现直接挂钩。(Link




  • 在搜索结果中添加“+1”按钮

这算是一个创新,其本意是想通过用户对搜索结果条目的分享,来为Google的Social Networks提供更多的“社交数据”,从而丰富Google search的结果。


首先,对搜索结果条目的过多操作并不符合Google一直以来奉行的准则 "让用户尽快离开自己的网站" (We may be the only people in the world who can say our goal is to have people leave our homepage as quickly as possible)(Link)。用户使用搜索引擎的目的是为了尽快的找到答案,然后离开搜索引擎,该干嘛干嘛去。让用户花更多的时间去点击+1按钮来为Google提供社交数据是在增加用户的负担。搜索是搜索,把社交元素强行附加在搜索上,会影响用户的搜索体验,对于以搜索为核心业务的Google,这显然是危险的。

其次,“+1”按钮的设计对用户习惯的把握有点一厢情愿。一般用户需要点击进入搜索结果的链接,才能判断里面的内容值不值得推荐,而此时在那里等着用户的有众多其它分享按钮(Facebook Like, Tweet等等)了,让用户返回搜索结果页面再点击“+1”,显然慢了一步。

另外搜索是很个人的事情,用户处于search mode的时候,一般都是处于寻找答案的阶段,不会进入share mode。Share mode一般都是在用户轻松浏览信息,快速扫荡新闻时才会出现的。

最后最重要的,通过“+1”按钮分享出来的“社交数据”,其实是无根之木,无源之水,因为Google目前并没有一个集中完善的社交网络来承载消费这些数据,而用来展示“+1”内容的Google Profiles显然太“落后”了。(关于Google社交网络的分析,参见“Google Me猜想”)

根据Search Engine Land的报道(Link),Google+1背后的社交网络主要由Gmail, Gtalk, Group, Reader和 Buzz上的联系人组成,以后可能还会陆续添加Twitter,Quora上的社交网络。这样杂乱的社交网络组合显然无法和Facebook相提并论,如果用户心里不太清楚分享的内容谁能看到,而且也没有方便的操作控制界面,肯定也不会有很大的分享动力。在这一点上,Google+1作为一个社交产品也是很难取得成功的。

当然,如果+1只是为了丰富Google的搜索结果,为Google social search服务,那就稍微好理解了,但这样的话,+1应该不能定位成“社交产品”,而应该是“搜索辅助产品”。
  • 为网站提供”+1”按钮

这两天的Google I/O大会,Google推出了供网站使用的“+1”按钮,这显然是个简单的,偷懒的模仿,毫无创意可言。以Facebook的Social Plugins(Like, Share..),Twitter的Tweet按钮为生力军的“分享插件”,早就常见于各种网页之上了。别人玩“分享插件”,各有用处:Facebook用户可以把好玩的网页分享到Activity Stream,让自己社交网络里的好友也能看到;Twitter可以把网页信息广播给followers,实现信息的传播。而Google的“+1”按钮却无法逃脱之前提及的硬伤:Google目前并没有一个集中完善的社交网络来承载消费这些分享的数据。

当然这些“数据”是要导入搜索引擎的,为Google social search服务。据说“+1”越多的网页可能在Google搜索结果里获得更高的排名,希望这一切只出现在Google social search里面,而不会影响到自然的Google Search。


  • 在搜索结果旁的Adwords广告上添加“+1”按钮



Facebook广告可以通过点击Like,让广告的信息进入的activity stream,从而在社交网络之中传播,广告主投放广告的本意也正是如此。Google想模仿Facebook Like,但由于方法不当,恐怕都会伤及自家原生态的Adwords系统。