到目前为止,外界得到关于Google Me的消息很少,
(Eric Schmidt)told reporters on Tuesday the Internet search leader intends to work in "layers" of social networking to its sites, rather than unveil a flashy product.
"We're trying to take Google's core products and add a social component. If you think about it, it's obvious. With your permission, knowing more about who your friends are, we can provide more tailored recommendations. Search quality can get better."
Eric Schmidt对Google Me的定位是,为Google的核心产品增加一个“社交中间层”
如何理解这个“社交中间层”(a social layer)呢?”社交”就不用多说了,在Google Me猜想(一)里面已经介
2009年10月29号,Google推出Google Social Search的时候,顺便也把Social Search的数据来源Social circle推到了前台。Social circle在内部抓取Gmail,Greader,
Facebook Open Graph宣称要收集用户在整个互联网上活动的“社交数据”,
除了为Social search提供数据,Google Me当然还要起到整合现有Google产品的作用,
A Google profile is simply how you present yourself on Google products to other Google users. It allows you to control how you appear on Google and tell others a bit more about who you are. With a Google profile, you can easily share your web content on one central location...You can also allow people to find you more easily by enabling your profile to be searched by your name. Simply set your existing profile to show your full name publicly.
Google Profile最终成为了一个Google用户内部之间互相展示
和Facebook Open Graph竞争
因此,Google Me承担的另外一个很重要的任务就是要和Facebook Open Graph竞争,除了战略上定位成收集用户“社交数据”的平台,
另外,已有的Friend Connect是否会因为功能上的重复而被Google Me取代,或者整合进Google Me,也是值得关注的。
最后,在社交产品的推广方面,总结,即将推出的Google Me对于Google未来的产品布局意义重大:对内提供一个“